Welcome to Mrs. Bain's Class

WallWisher Postings

WallWisher is a fun way to post information to our class.  This is the first time I have attempted to use WallWisher, so it can be a fun adventure for all of us.  Each week, I am going to post a topic that you can respond to on WallWisher.  This week we are going to be posting example of antonyms and synonyms.  I would like you to find examples of antonyms and synonyms from conversations you have had at home with your child.  As you find examples of these, please post them with your child on our WallWisher page.  You will need to register for a username before you can post anything.You can follow the link below for our WallWisher page.

WALL LINK: http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/6Vp9N2hPZv